Thursday, March 1, 2012


Last evening Abe came home from work while Kailee and I were in dinner making mode jamming out to Pandora.
Then I hit refresh on Facebook and saw the dreaded news link from WTAE

Steelers to release Hines Ward.

What the what?!?! They didn't! How could they? I honestly felt sad to the point that it made me misty with a crackle voice. At the same time I was trying to talk myself out of caring so much. "This is silly, Jessica! Obviously he couldn't stay forever. Don't be so dramatic!"

Well, all of the coaxing I tried to force upon myself was useless. I was truly saddened by the fact that Hines will be possibly wearing another uniform next year. If you're a Steeler fan - you get it. Hines has been the face of the Steelers for so long. How could they toss him to the curb!? Let him retire as a Steeler!

In the midst of my sadness deep down I know there was no other choice. I know they need the money to pay the guy who will stay for the long run. I know Wallace and Brown are younger, faster...I can't bring myself to say better! Nope - no way!

I guess all stories cannot end as Jerome Bettis' did. I just wish Hines' story didn't have to end like this. I wish he would have had the chance to say he was done and wasn't pushed out because they think he's not good enough anymore.

Anyone can look at his stats and see how awesome of a player he has been. But, that's not what I'll miss. The Steelers have lots of talented WR's lined up to replace him. I just am not sure they'll ever be Hines! I hope they'll love the city and the team just as much. I know they def won't have the smile! :) I'll miss him so much when next season starts! I'll still be wearing my Ward jersey no matter where he goes!

Here is a picture of when I was able to meet Hines for a short minute! This was years ago...before they won Super Bowl XL! He and a group of Steelers came to my high school to play a charity basketball game against the PA State Police. I was able to get some autographs for my dad on his football - Chis Hoke and Ike Taylor, but my dad went home before I was able to get this picture! So - no Hines autograph! I'll take the pic though! :). Hines came to Pittsburgh when I was 16 years old! Now I'm 30 - 14 years! Thanks, Hines! We'll miss you!!!

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