Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Springtime in February? In Pittsburgh?!

I must be 30 now because I find myself talking about the weather constantly these days! But, winter hasn't exactly been winter this year. I think our biggest snow was back in October which has provided a terrible snowman making season for a very eager three year old. Poor girl! I want snow as much as she does, but it seems we missed all of the fun while living in Mississippi and Oklahoma for two winters.

In her little life she has never been sled riding! That's a travesty! We managed to put together a small snowman (complete with a Steeler hat and scarf, of course!) with our last dusting, but that's all she has experienced! I'm hoping for a big snow yet this year, but as the calendar pages keep flipping it's becoming less and less likely! Then... I found this...

Daffodils?!?! What?!?! Yes! Our daffodil bulbs are poking through our mulch. I really hope the little pretties survive as this is insanely early, but time will tell.

For the sake of the daffodils maybe Miss K and I will have to get on the spring bandwagon and give up on our hopes for piles of the fluffy white stuff. Yesterday my car thermometer read 61 degrees. 61! I do love the sunshine!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Well, hello!

I am the type of person who loves looking back at old yearbooks, day planners, and notes from years past and reliving what I was doing on this exact day ten or fifteen years ago. Call me a hoarder, but I do have a few day planners from Jr. High where I could tell you what I wore to school on any given day or what homework assignement I had in English class. I love looking back at fun memories and holding on to little pieces of the past, the truth is as much as I love the little momentos - I hate clutter even more!

That's why I've decided to give blogging another shot. I've been terrible in the past at keeping up, but this time I am ready to make a better effort! How fun it will be to electornically scroll through our lives this time next year and see what we were doing on February 22, 2012?!? How fun for Kailee to be able to scroll through pictures or read posts when she is older?!?! These are reasons enough to get started and stick with it! I like it!

So I am hoping that on this day next year when I sit down to read what I was up to today that I am doing it in the comfort of my painted, cozy, decorated basement. Today I picked up two more paint samples. This brings the total count of samples to an absurd amount, but the good news is...I love them both! The decision is finally narrowed to two choices that Abe and I both like. Fabulous! Here are the choices - on the left is Silver Tinsel and on the right is Silver Sage! I cannot wait to post the finished room - I will be happy dancing all over the basement, indeed!