Thursday, March 8, 2012

Ahhh to be three again!

This my friends is the face of a very excited and happy, Kailee Grace face!

Last Thursday evening we took her to see Disney on Ice: 100 Years of Disney. 
What an awesome show!  It was worth every penny - plus some!

Kailee and Daddy with the Cinderella she picked
Kailee and Mommy before the show

Luckily, I was warned by a few friends who have taken their kids to Disney on Ice in the past that all of the other kids would be in costume.  Thank God for those friends!  Kailee would have been one of the only wee ones not decked out in their favorite Disney attire.  I can only imagine arriving to a ton of kids in dress up clothes and poor K in her regular outfit.  I know she would have asked to come home for a princess dress - I just know it!

Kailee chose Cinderella!  I wanted to make it really fun for her so after preschool she came home and we laid her clothes out, picked out jewelry, and pulled out her dress shoes.  She picked a polish color that matched her dress and she got a mani/pedi.  Kailee loves mani/pedis, but you can't forget the clear glitter top coat!  Then, of course, it was princess hair time!  So she sat while I curled her hair and gave her an up-do for her big night out.  After she was primped she stood in front of the mirror and twirled around checking herself out - she's such a girl!  She had a fun afternoon getting ready and an even better time at the show.

Abe and I thought she was going to cry when Mickey and Minnie took the ice!  Not because she was scared or overwhelmed, but because she was so unbelievably happy to see them in person!  It was classic.  We were able to capture it on video so we'll have it to show her later on.  Although, she loves watching herself now!  Ha!  The next time Disney on Ice comes to town we'll be going again for sure.  It was awesome.  Throughout our travels the past couple years we kept missing the Disney shows.  The shows would always hit where we had just left so we were excited to finally take her!

Here's what else Kailee has been up to this week!

Kailee had yet to spend her birthday gift cards - so we took her on a Toys R Us run!  She has been asking for a scooter, so she was able to find a fun, pink, girly, Minnie Mouse scooter that even came with a bracelet and hair accessories!  The perfect scooter for a girly girl! 
The bow lights up and plays music, too - bonus! (wink!)  Kailee scored some new play doh and also a princess flashlight - with money to spare!  I guess she'll have to make a list for her next visit!

Testing her new ride with Daddy in the kitchen!  Of course - it was snowing this day!

Monday was an off day for Abe so we took Kailee to the Children's Museum.  Thank goodness we have a membership, because I'm pretty sure she'd stay in this water room forever if we let her!  She had a blast getting soaked and changing the pipes around.  Such a fun place for kids. 
I'm so happy we live close enough to take her often

Kailee in the art room.  Can you tell how wet her hair is from the water room?  Ha!
First time trying the climbing cage!  I was proud of her!  Although - she got up too high, got scared, and tried to get down quickly and fell.  Not sure if she'll go back in anytime soon... :)

I want one of these for myself!
Wednesday was such a nice day!  It was around 65 degrees and sunny so we were able to be outside almost all day!  We went to the park with a friend from college and her daughter for a while and then came home and played some more!  Kailee picked up a ton of pine cones in our yard and so we made some bird feeders to hang on our tree.  K was a big fan of her project!
Scooping the peanut butter out of the jar!  That jacket is now covered in PB!

"No pictures!"  - This is our current phase.  It's like pulling teeth to take this child's picture!
Abe came home in time to help us hang the feeders on the tree.  Yay, Dad!
I think Miss K had a pretty fun week!  Her teacher at preschool gave her good reports each day and she made some really cute crafts.  They also celebrated the 100th birthday of the Oreo Cookie on Tuesday! Anytime I get an oreo cookie that automatically makes my day better!  Just saying.

Yes - the life of a three year old sure is fun!  But, as the parent I guess you get to be a kid again, too!

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Last evening Abe came home from work while Kailee and I were in dinner making mode jamming out to Pandora.
Then I hit refresh on Facebook and saw the dreaded news link from WTAE

Steelers to release Hines Ward.

What the what?!?! They didn't! How could they? I honestly felt sad to the point that it made me misty with a crackle voice. At the same time I was trying to talk myself out of caring so much. "This is silly, Jessica! Obviously he couldn't stay forever. Don't be so dramatic!"

Well, all of the coaxing I tried to force upon myself was useless. I was truly saddened by the fact that Hines will be possibly wearing another uniform next year. If you're a Steeler fan - you get it. Hines has been the face of the Steelers for so long. How could they toss him to the curb!? Let him retire as a Steeler!

In the midst of my sadness deep down I know there was no other choice. I know they need the money to pay the guy who will stay for the long run. I know Wallace and Brown are younger, faster...I can't bring myself to say better! Nope - no way!

I guess all stories cannot end as Jerome Bettis' did. I just wish Hines' story didn't have to end like this. I wish he would have had the chance to say he was done and wasn't pushed out because they think he's not good enough anymore.

Anyone can look at his stats and see how awesome of a player he has been. But, that's not what I'll miss. The Steelers have lots of talented WR's lined up to replace him. I just am not sure they'll ever be Hines! I hope they'll love the city and the team just as much. I know they def won't have the smile! :) I'll miss him so much when next season starts! I'll still be wearing my Ward jersey no matter where he goes!

Here is a picture of when I was able to meet Hines for a short minute! This was years ago...before they won Super Bowl XL! He and a group of Steelers came to my high school to play a charity basketball game against the PA State Police. I was able to get some autographs for my dad on his football - Chis Hoke and Ike Taylor, but my dad went home before I was able to get this picture! So - no Hines autograph! I'll take the pic though! :). Hines came to Pittsburgh when I was 16 years old! Now I'm 30 - 14 years! Thanks, Hines! We'll miss you!!!